Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blog 5: Summary of Allegory of the Cave.

   In the passage “The Allegory of the Cave” that Plato had written, he tells us about men that are prisoners, who have their legs and necked chained in a cave and cannot move and how one man was let loose and explores what was beyond his vision in the dark cave. He realized everything he thought of his surroundings was a lie and he went to express his visions to his friends, who did not believe him, since they were stuck in their own perceptions.

   The man notices that the shadows him and his prison mates were more than just mere shadows but a fire and puppets, also that he discovered a whole new world outside of the cave. He was not used to it at first but than he became comfortable and got used to his surroundings. That man that was let loose had gone back to the cave (yet again not used to his surroundings – from being outside exploring), where his friends were. He tried to explain all that he had seen to his fellow prisoners, but they did not believe the man because they were comfortable in what they lived in all their lives and could not understand or believe the things they couldn’t see since they were chained in the cave.

1 comment:

  1. Good work you follow the steps needed for a good summary, also thanks for your feedback on my summary it really help me out in making it better.
